Friday {Celebration}

I love fridays. Seriously, there are so many reasons why fridays are the best! We started a new thing at the CKM office where we celebrate each friday morning. Its great. We go around the room and we just celebrate what the Lord is doing in our personal lives and in the ministry! Every Friday we fill the whiteboard in our conference room with everything we want to celebrate and today I thought it would be fitting to do it on the blog! 

Today I want to celebrate Meghan and Colin! These two are getting married this weekend and I am so incredibly happy for them. Literally, I have been celebrating this for like ever now but this weekend is the big day! I love weddings, my favorite job is shooting weddings...but there is something about this wedding that has made me so giddy! I get to see 2 of my closest friends make commitments to each other and the Lord.

I have been able to see Meghan and Colin fall in love and it has been such a fun journey with them. Meghan has been my roommate for the past 6 months and even though she is moved out to begin her life with Colin I am so thankful for the past 6 months. The laughter and the tears and the memories we have shared in our little apartment, they are priceless. Colin is my Malaysian brother, figuratively yes, but he and I interned together last year and he is one of those people who I can be myself  around and I know he cares! I am thankful for each of them separately but together they are unstoppable and I cannot wait to see how the Lord blesses and uses their marriage!

These two are special people and I cant wait to party all weekend long with them!