The Becker's {Charlotte, NC Family Photography}

This is the end of the "Week in America Photo Tour"! I literally had 3 photo shoots and a wedding in 3 different states while I was home. I was a crazy lady, but this little drive to Charlotte was worth it for so many reason! 

The Becker's are some of my favorite people in the whole world and their sweet baby turned 1 at the beginning of October, so we had to get some one year photos in! Yes, you may have to read that again, sweet Brooks Avery Becker is 1! He is a little toddler and I could not even handle it! 

Take a little trip down memory lane with me here for a moment...MaternityBirth, Newborn, 6 months, and now today is 1 year!  I can't believe how quickly time has passed but I am so thankful for this family and what they mean to me! 

I have literally prayed for this boy every day since I knew he was in the womb so getting to see him when I was in America was such a treat even though I was so jet-laged and a little sick, it was worth it for the cuddles and quality time with Jeff and Britt! 

Enjoy a few of my favorites! 

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