Baby Carson

     I remember when Sadie and I were in high school, she was my best friend and we loved to hangout by my pool...I think my parents got it to make sure we were always at home, and well it worked! Sadie and I would spend all summer every summer working on our skin cancer and talking about life and the future. A girl can dream! As we got older and in college we would still spend a good bit of time around the pool when we came home in the summer, but things were changing. Sadie got a serious boyfriend in college, Justin, and soon they were engaged! I was so excited for her and being able to watch her dreams come true was such a joy, and still is! We joked and made false You cant get married till I have a boyfriend....she got married and I got to be in her wedding. Then came ok you cant have a baby till I get engaged...she got pregnant and still single! Ha Its funny now...cause deep down inside I knew that I wanted Sadie to be happy even if it did put her a few steps ahead of me in life! Now I cant wait for Sadie's kids to babysit mine one day! Sadie has always wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. And now Sadie and Justin are parents and I still cant believe it. Getting to meet baby carson has been so much fun, since Sadie lives in El Paso, I didnt get to meet him till after christmas (he was born 11.9.12) so I was so excited. The past month of having Sadie and Carson here   has been a wonderful blessing! I am thankful for Sadie and our friendship and to be able to watch her become a wife and mother is crazy awesome!  Lucky for me Sadie let me take some pictures of the adorable baby Carson before they head back home to Texas to be with daddy! So here are some pictures of the cutie! Enjoy!

Carson didn't like the next outfit....but its so cute! 

 "I am gonna to punch you if you don't get me out of this outfit"
I am not a UGA fan...but Carson is now born into it...secretly rooting for him to like AU!

Look at that dimple!

Sweetest dreams!




Youth Conference