The Land of Smiles {Thailand 2013}

This past Thanksgiving week I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Thailand! While we were there we did so many things from teaching english to being tourist we somehow packed it all into a week. Our main purpose was to be a light to the community by visiting many different schools, from a Buddhist school to a handicap school we got to meet probably over 1000 students. We were not just teaching english though we were getting the opportunity to share the gospel with Thai students! Yes, we got to ride elephants and go to a floating market but the things that have stuck with me are the faces of the children, the friends we now have who hosted us, the culture of Thailand and a burden for the lost. I have been to a lot of different places on mission trips but there is something special about the people and my time in Thailand! I could talk all day about it, but no one would read it all, so instead let me tell the story of my trip through some of my favorite pictures! 

For the whole collection of images you can check them out here:

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We got to go to several different schools and meet so many sweet children. The thought that we were able to get into public schools and schools supported by the Buddhist temple and share stories about Jesus solely because they wanted their students to learn english. We had 4 groups that acted like stations, a music, craft, story and games group. I was a part of the games group where we struggled to explain simple games like "red-light, green-light", "heads up seven up" and "four corners". If it wasn't for our awesome translator, Sammy, we would have just  let them run amuck! 

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One of my favorite days there we got to go to a handicap school were kids with both physical and mental disabilities attend. The kids were so great and we got to teach them songs, like "deep and wide" and "Jesus loves the little children". The little smiles of the children were enough to make our week. I think I loved working with these kids the most because though they did not know how to speak well and were very limited  they had big smiles and they had a great time singing with us. My prayer for these kids is that they will know that Jesus loves them, and they are worthy. 

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