The Gomes {Bangkok, Thailand Family Photography}

Meet the Gomes...(or you may remember them from their killer Krabi Maternity shoot or Avery's newborn shoot!)

There are not enough words that I could use to describe my love for these 3! I am so thankful for their friendship over the last 3 years and am in denial that in 1 week we are no longer gonna live in the same community. I am in denial, it doesn't feel real...and thats because my love for them runs deep and I know we will stay a part of each others lives.

Through all the hard times, the good times, the scary times, the tears, the laughter, the unknown and the steady...Steff has been my most true and constant friend, my best friend on this side of the ocean and I don't want to admit that I'm leaving her! 

Today, we went to my favorite Bangkok landmark and I got to capture their cute little family one last time before everything is different and lets just say...I am just so in love with these pictures, this is the way to go out! Enjoy some of my favorites! 

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Carson & Eli {Buford, GA Family Photography}


The McLatcher's {Bangkok, Thailand Family Photography}