Brooks Avery's Big Day {Hospital Birth Photography}

Monday was a crazy day...if you follow me on social media (you should) you already know that the babies I have been waiting on made their appearance into the world on Monday! Greyson Caleb was born at 11:30am and Brooks Avery was born at 6:11pm! It was a crazy day!  I always knew that these two would be born on the same day! I have not really truly slept since the end of september just waiting on the calls. I had legit anxiety that I would miss it...especially Brooks since I had the honor of capturing his birth! 

To be honest with you I was nervous, when I got the text that Britt was in Labor I freaked out internally and was not ready for this. I had classes about childbirth in college, and had seen A Baby Story but never seen an actual birth, so yeah I was a wreck. When Jeff told me to leave Anderson and come up to NC I got even more nervous, like crazy sweaty and shaky hands. I left and made it to the hospital in record time, because missing it was not an option! When I got to the hospital I waited for them to tell me it was time to go back and I could have never prepared for the miracle I was about to witness. When the nurse told me to come into the room I was overwhelmed with emotion as I saw little Brooks for the first time! I have literally been praying for this sweet boy ever since I knew he was in existence and there he was right in front of me. His mom was a champ and gave birth without drugs or an epidural, and I have promised myself when that time comes for me, I WILL have drugs and no one is to allow me to do it any other way! Britt is probably the toughest woman I know, so I would not recommend that for anyone after seeing how much pain she was in. 

Brooks Avery was born on October 6th at 6:11pm weighing in at 10lbs and 21.5inches long! His parents are two of my favorite people and I know they are going to be so great at this whole parenthood thing! I am thankful for this little family of 3! Now enough of me...enjoy the story of the birth! 

This next image is seriously a heart melter! Look at that love! Definitely a fave pic of all time! 

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