Monday Catch Up {The Lord's Faithfulness}

It been awhile, yes. I took a little vacation from the blog. Why you ask? The Lord has been at work and I needed some time to get adjusted. You may not know but when I moved to Anderson, SC I had no idea what I was going to do. I knew I wanted to pursue my dream of being a full-time photographer but I knew that financially it did not make much sense. I knew that I would need a little help from a part time job because while I stay busy with photography, I needed something to do with my days and a little bit of a constant income.

About a month ago, after being in Anderson for a month all the jobs I applied for fell through, I had nothing on the horizon. I started to doubt. I think I asked the Lord every day "what am I here for?" and I questioned "Why did I move to Anderson?" I was discouraged. 

Then one day it all changed. October 1st, to be exact! I got a message from Justin Brock, the ministry director for Clayton King Ministries, that asked if I could stop by the office. I literally thought that it was just going to be about watching Emery, which I would have been completely ok with, but it wasn't.  It was better. Justin offered me a job working at Clayton King Ministries. I never even dreamed of that as an option. I moved to Anderson because I was confident the Lord had something in store for me there, but I never thought it would be this. I was in shock, the good kind of shock. Then in that moment it all made sense. The Lord had something better for me than I could have ever of imagined, and he was working it all out even when I doubted. I told the Lord daily "I trust you" but in reality, I didn't really trust him. I did not believe he actually had something good for me. 

Why do I tell you this? Because when you take a leap of faith and follow the Lord wherever he is calling you, he has something even better in store for you than you can even dream up.  Even when people think you are crazy or you feel like they will judge you, when you are obedient the Lord blesses you, abundantly! That is what the Lord has been teaching me and I thought that maybe there is someone who needed to hear that today to. 

So, I took a bit of time to focus on some new adventures and there are even more coming. But Erin Spruell Photography is back in action and busier than ever! This week I am at home living the country life at my parents new home with no internet or phone service but my calendar is full of photo shoots, so prepare yourself, the silence is breaking this week and the blog will be back to fun! Oh, and what am I doing at Clayton King Ministries HQ? I am the Content and Communications Manager! I handle all things, phone, email, web, social media and all that fun stuff! I love it and I am so thankful for the opportunity to work alongside some of my best friends! It's a dream that I live! 

Happy Monday Friends!

My view from my new desk at CKM!

My view from my new desk at CKM!

The view from my parents neighborhood! Stunning! 

The view from my parents neighborhood! Stunning!